The Human Comedy
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Inspired by the Divine Comedy of Dante
Here is the Human Comedy, a chronicle which describe the imaginary journey of a lover of the third millenium, gone to the quest of his Graal.
This Human Comedy starts the first day of January and go on all along the sacred year 2000.
I invite the reader to live again with this traveler, the journey into Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, of his adventures and loving tragedies.
This traveler who bears the surname of the famous venitian Marco Polo, travels the same litteral journey than Dante Alighieri, trip he made in the sacred year 1300.
The text is largely inspire by traductions of the original text of the Divine Comedy and it diverts from it to adapt to the actual preoccupations and to the style of the author. The social criticism which underline the text of Dante is the pretext for the modern writer to make a virulent social criticism of its epoca and of the place where he live.
The text contain sentences with erotic meanings and is illustrated with photos, synthetic images and reproductions borrowed to the archives of the Web.
It is then recommend for the minors to abstain or to read and look under the surveillance of a gardian-angel who would have left to the locker his political virginity.
This text is covered by a legal deposit so that it is prohibited to reproduce it unless it is permitted by the author.
English traduction from "archaic french" is partial and will be completed from time to time. Since the traduction is non-professional orthographic errors may be present in the text.
Licentious Chronicle to be read under the surveillance of your gardian-angel.
The chronicle of this infernal journey contains XXXIV cantos and lead you to the Acheron, to the Limbos and to Hell. In the Divine Comedy, Dante situate this place at the center of earth, those infernous circles where he imagine to let suffer, those he would have liked to send in Hell. In the Human Comedy, I let you find somewhere on this earth this blessed place you walk around without any doubt, where you pretend to be the navel of the world. In this infernal Journey, Marco is accompagnated by Baudelaire, its fatefull gourou.
Purgatory and the Human Comedy
The tale of the Human Comedy to the Purgatory contains XXXIII cantos which the first XIV cantos happens in the Antepurgatory. Purgatory is on earth somewhere under Terrestrial Paradise, and if you look closely, you could still find it if you know where to find the Terrestrial Paradise and to leave into the clockroom, your pretention to convert the world to your faith. Baudelaire is still here, Marco's guide for this journey.
We are finally into Paradise and I will not tell you, dear reader, where you can find this blessed place described in the Divine Comedy and that this extensive Human Comedy has let me no memory that can be translate into mortal words. The tale contains XXXIII cantos in a mystical procession full of carnal evocations. Here, it is Jeanne the Virgin who accompanate the paces of Marco in a loving canto that wants to be eternal.
Un-happy traveler who pretends to return to Earth as if earth was no other place than Hell, Purgatory or Paradise, since you inhabit these places only by the choice you make and not by that imposed by your masters, your mistresses, your mothers, your ministries, your magistaries. There is here no other Canto than the Hundred cantos already visited in Hell, Purgatory and Paradise.