Canto X of Paradise.
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The hour when the lover of God rises and sing the matines.
Where the joy of loving becomes eternal.
«Poscia che Costantin l'aquila volse contr'al corso del ciel, ch'ella seguio dietro a l'antico che Lavina tolse,. cento e cent'anni e più l'uccel di Dio ne lo stremo d'Europa si ritenne, vicino a' monti de' quai prima uscìo;. e sotto l'ombra de le sacre penne governò 'l mondo lì di mano in mano, e, sì cangiando, in su la mia pervenne. Cesare fui e son Iustiniano, che, per voler del primo amor ch'i' sento, d'entro le leggi trassi il troppo e 'l vano.
The Creator did all that is driven in the world, spiritual and material, with an order such that no one can contemplate it without praise his virtue. I beg you reader, to raise your glances towards the higher realms, and thus contemplates the art of this Master who made the world move itself. You see how move and align by themselves, in order to support life on earth, these celestial bodies, and how the world requires their influence, and that the least variation of their trajectory, so tiny it is, would destroy the order of the universe! Now reader, if your desire is to know some more still, do not quit this reading and think at what I gave you only a first impression. Then, force-feed yourself of this food, because, the subject of my matter claims all my care. The sun, which mark the sky of its virtue and which measures the time of its light, followed its course as for each day, and me, I was in him, as happens to the mind, without realizing that I climbed up there so quickly. Jeanne, by her smile, led me thus from truth to truth, until the supreme Truth. The spirits which were in the sun where I entered, were so luminous that their glare eclipsed their own color. I am not surprised that imagination cannot go so far, and I in vain, call to my assistance, the spirit, the art and the habit, I did not succeed in making it imagine, but you can believe me and wish to see it, because there are no eyes which sees clearness so sharp than that of the sun. Such is the great family of the Father of up there, and how is generated the Son, and how from the Father and the Son the Holy Spirit proceeds. Jeanne spoke to me as follows: "Thanks, thanks the Sun of the angels, whom by its grace, made you go up to this sensitive sun." Never a mortal soul was so disposed to devotion, nor so prompt to give himself to God of all its liking, that I became at these words; and all my love went so ardently in Him, that I forgot the presence of Jeanne. That did not displease Her, but she smiles about it with such a splendour from her smiling eyes, that my spirit absorb in this thing was dissipated again. I saw many fires sparkling and triumphing over the sun, to form a crown of which we were the center, their voice was softer than shining their glare. It is such that ones sees a belt surrounding the daughter of the Moon, when the air is so full of vapor that it retains the wire which forms it. In the court of heaven from where I return, there are many so invaluable and so beautiful jewels, that I could not describe them with words that return justice to them; thus was the song of these torches, that will never know those to whom, Heaven will be refused. When these burning lights, while singing thus, had three times turned around us, like stars around fixed poles, they seemed to me as ladies who do not leave the dance, but who stops quiet until they heard the new notes, and, in one of them, I heard this song: "Whereas the ray of the grace, where the true love ignites and which then grows with love, is resplendent such multiplied in you, that it leads you upward by this ladder; who would refuse to your thirst the wine from his bottle, would not be freer than a water which could not go down to the sea. Thus, you want to see all these flowers which make the garland, and which surrounds, and which contemplates the Beautiful Lady, that One who gave you the strength to go up to Heaven?" Then Isaw each luminous form, take human shapes, and to become so familiar that I could fix myself on neither one nor the other, and that I was going from one to the other without fixing myself , but feeling my heart filled with excitement. "I was of the saint herd that Dionysos led by a way where one intoxicate well if one is not mislaid. That one, nearest on my right, was my sister and my mistress; she was the queen of the Menades, who intoxicate themselves from your blood and your seed while you still breathe. If you want in the same way to know all the others, follow my words and go, with your glance, around the happy garland. This other blazing splendour spouts out smile of Artemis, who enlighted so well, one and the others that it will please you like in paradise. The other who then decorates our chorus, is Aphrodite, the golden virgin, who gives birth on you, to love, and puts in agitation all your being; then Athena who has no another concern than to make war to you, and this other, Artemis the huntress, who would hunt you down in the woods like a hind without defense! The fifth light, the most beautiful among us, burns of such a Love sthat, on Earth, the whole world is avid to have news of her, but be wary of Cytheree who has the capacity to attract you on her couch and to betray you as much as make love ot you. Inside is Dionee, whose spirit is so radiant, that she enjoys of a knowledge so profound that your love will never be such. See then the virgins Vestales, these lights which maintain crowned fire, and how to overcome more than it is needed, the nature and the office of the visgin Vesta. If from light to light, you now carry, while following my praises, the glance of your spirit, you must already be thirsty to know the eighth one. The vision of any good ravish there this holy soul, who shows to whom can listen to her well, that the world is misleading; the body from she was driven out, lay elsewhere than in her soul, and Maia from martyrdom to exile, came in your bed. See blazing farther away, the burning faith of Demeter, daugther of Chronos and Rhea, who in the temple of Eleusinies, is more than a goddess, and whose rites find refuge in the mysteries of Ceres. That one from where your glance returns towards me, is the light of this beautiful spirit who, in iher austere thoughts, found that love is quite cruel; it is the eternal light of Persephone, the virgin of spring, raped to the hells by Pluton and who calls you. In the last of the lights, laughs himself at you, Ovide, the poet of the old times, which Latin works was useful so well to you, to attend these blessed places of the Goddesses." Like a clock then, which calls us, at the hour when the lover of God rises to sing the matines in the honor of her Husband, in order to obtain his love, and which makes hear such a melodious ding dong, that the well disposed spirit inflates itself with love, so I saw moving the glorious wheel, and answer, voice to voice, in such an harmony and such a pleasure that one cannot know it, then where the joy of loving becomes eternal.
Marco Polo ou le voyage imaginaire (La tragédie humaine, janvier 2000) © 1999 Jean-Pierre Lapointe
Theme musical: musique d'atmosphère (celtes) , empruntée aux Archives du web.
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