Canto XI of Paradise
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The reign of force and the penis.
Omnia vincit amor.
O insensata cura de' mortali, quanto son difettivi silogismi quei che ti fanno in basso batter l'ali! Chi dietro a iura, e chi ad amforismi sen giva, e chi seguendo sacerdozio, e chi regnar per forza o per sofismi, e chi rubare, e chi civil negozio, chi nel diletto de la carne involto s'affaticava e chi si dava a l'ozio, quando, da tutte queste cose sciolto, con Beatrice m'era suso in cielo cotanto gloriosamente accolto.
Oh! how it is good to be released from the concern of the earth, and thus to be close to Jeanne, who has so gloriously welcomed me on heaven. Oh! how futile are men to give themselves up to idleness, to make trade or to steal, to reign by the use of force and the penis, or to impose faith by the sword, or to chase on earth the female, and to exhaust himself in sexual pleasures, whereas it is so good to be thus, near my beloved. I heard, coming from this light who had initially spoken to me and who increased its glare, a voice, starts saying in a smile: "Just as its rays make me resplendent, thus, while looking in the eternal Light, I discover there the reason of your thoughts. You are doubtfull, and you would like that my words where explained in a language so clear and so developed, that they adapt to your understanding; your eyes are unable to penetrate in the secrecy of the intentions of the Providence; listen to my tale and do not try to understand, time, in you, will make its nest. The One who married Her Beloved in Her blessed blood, who, sure of Her and while remaining faithful to Him, suscitate two sweethearts in his favour, so that they are faithful to him. One was very seraphic in Her ardour; the other, by Her science, was on earth a splendour who appeaised, of Her lightness, the loneliness of men. I will speak only about the second, because one speaks about both by praising one, whatever which one we choose, because their achievements, although dispensed in contrary ways, had the same effect on the distress of man. This flower was hardly hatched, that She started to make feel to the earth some comfort of Her great virtue, because still young She fought against Her father, to follow Her Prince, to whom, as with death, no one does readily open the door of pleasure. And in front of Her spiritual court, and in front of Her father, She opened Herself to him, then, day after day, She loved him more deeply. This one deprived of his first Spouse, two thousand years scorned and forgotten, had remained solitary, up to now and without a wife. In vain, He was so constant and savage that, where Marie remained at the foot of the cross, she went up there to fall asleep on His bloody flesh. It is told here and everywhere else that those who believe, they scared the females, calm down at the sound of His quiet and receptive voice, which resounds up to the alleys of the Garden of the Olive. But, so that I would not be too obscure, hear from now on, in my long speech, that these lovers are Marie-Madeleine and the Son of Man. Their harmony, their merry air, their marvellous love, their soft glances, gave birth to holy thoughts, so that the Pontiff, himself, was the first to denuded himself, and he ran, avid to benefit from such a peace, and while running, it seemed to him that it was already too late. Oh! unknown richness, oh! fertile Good! How not to be jealous, and Jean and all the disciples also presents, jealous of the husband so much the spouse please them. Then goes this father with his mistress and his mother and all his family that bound already those unavowable nuptials. Then, when the crowd of the solitary souls had increased, on the steps of that whose admirable life would be sung better in the glory of heaven, Her holiness was granted to Her one night by the Holy Spirit. After what, by the thirst for pleasure, in the proud presence of the pagans, She had preached the virtues of Christ, and those who followed Her, and finding there not enough males to be converted, not to remain over there useless, She returned to pick up the grass of Her own Country. Attached naked in the open wound of the Rocher Percé*, She received from Christ, her jealous lover, the stigmas its members still carries today. When it pleased to the One who had chosen Her for such a well to raise Her to the reward She had deserved by distributing Her Good to Her brothers, as with Her legitimate heirs, He recommended His Mother and His dearest Mistress, and He ordered them that they love them faithfully. And from Her heart the glorious soul wanted to fly away, returning to His divine kingdom, and for His body, She did not want any other coffin. Think now, who was His worthy pupils, to maintain the torch in open sea towards its true goal! The herd became so glutton of new nourishment, that it cannot be that it spread through various pastures, and more its sheeps move away from her and ramble, more they return to the fold, empty of milk. There is some, among them, who fear to dispense pleasure, and they tightened around their sister; but, they are in so few number, that few cloths is enough to their beds. Now, if my speech is efficient, if you listened to me with attention, if you recall to your memory what I have said, your desire must be partly satisfied, because you will see why your Phallus contains the sap, that there is always a Chalice to receive it, and you will understand what this anthem means: "Omnia vincit amor"."
Marco Polo ou le voyage imaginaire (the human tregedy, janvier 2000) © 1999 Jean-Pierre Lapointe
Theme musical: sinfonia de Cavalli, emprunté aux Classical Midi Archives.
*geographic places, Québec
Important Notice: any photos or fragments of photos subject to copyright will be removed on notice.