Canto IX of Paradise
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The triumph of Christ in You and the eternal Pleasures.
I am the One who knows how to taste your body.
Da poi che Carlo tuo, bella Clemenza, m'ebbe chiarito, mi narrò li 'nganni che ricever dovea la sua semenza; ma disse: «Taci e lascia muover li anni»; sì ch'io non posso dir se non che pianto giusto verrà di retro ai vostri danni. E già la vita di quel lume santo rivolta s'era al Sol che la riempie come quel ben ch'a ogne cosa è tanto. Ahi anime ingannate e fatture empie, che da sì fatto ben torcete i cuori, drizzando in vanità le vostre tempie!
And, here is that, another of these splendours came towards me, and by Her sparkling, She made me hear Her desire to please me. The eyes of Jeanne, which were fixed on me, gave me, like before, the insurance of Her dear approval to my desire. And I said to Her: "Ah! blessed spirit, quickly give satisfaction to my wishes, and prove to me that you can understand my desire without having to express it to You." Then the light, which was, up to now, known to me by its Hosanna, coming from the deepness, continued, like somebody who wants to please: "We are here, in this area of the paradise, as charming behind our lights as your spirit cannot conceive it. We have as a function to denude your body, and to wash your spirit of the mean desires in you. Thus all these gestures which we lavish, have on earth for only function to exacerbate your carnal anguishes, but they become here eternal Pleasures." She then kept silent, and She appeared to me to turn Herself towards other thoughts, because She returned in the luminous circus where She was before. And the other merry soul, of which I already knew the glory, resplendit in my eyes like a ruby striken by the sun. Here splendour comes from joyfulness, like the laughter on earth, whereas below, the shadow appears all the more obscure as the soul is sadder. And I say to this happy spirit: "Your sight, like that of God, penetrates in me, so that no desire can be hidden to you. Why, your voice which delights heaven, does not give satisfaction to my desires? I would not await your question, if I saw in you as you see in me." Her words then started as follows: "Here one do not repent himself but is in the joy, not because of the fault, one does not remember, but because of the Power who orders and provides. Thus, I am the One who knows to taste your body, and to drink up your flame, and to over-excite your soul until the divine Extasy. Here one consumes this art like a great achievement, and one distinguishes like a Good, what makes the world below stagnate in sin. But so that all your desires are filled, which were born in this sphere, I must still add something; you want to know which are these lights that scintillates in such a way very close to me, like sunbeams in pure water? Then, know that these are Goddesses who rest in peace until they seize your beautiful body, and that they tie you and link you to their fate, and that they nail you at this Cross as if you were yourself Christ, and that they whip you, and that they taste your member, and that they drink your seed, and bewitch you, and that they charm you, and guide you in the suffering, and that they impaled herselves in you, and seize your soul until the triumph of Christ in You. It was advisable to place them in some heaven, as symbols of the Redemption of your sexual depravations. But you will be released soon from these false desires in you, and then only will you be worthy of the Love of Jeanne."
Marco Polo ou le voyage imaginaire (the human tregedy, janvier 2000) © 1999 Jean-Pierre Lapointe
Theme musical: sarabande de Thomas Campion, emprunté aux Classical Midi Archives.
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