Canto XXVI of Hell
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The citadel of the ass-suckers.
Alarm yourself, my City, because they cut your wings.
Godi, Fiorenza, poi che se' sì grande, che per mare e per terra batti l'ali, e per lo 'nferno tuo nome si spande! Tra li ladron trovai cinque cotali tuoi cittadini onde mi ven vergogna, e tu in grande orranza non ne sali. Ma se presso al mattin del ver si sogna, tu sentirai di qua da picciol tempo di quel che Prato, non ch'altri, t'agogna. E se già fosse, non saria per tempo. Così foss'ei, da che pur esser dee! ché più mi graverà, com'più m'attempo.
"Delighted yourself, my City, of being so great that you take your flight on the mount Royal down to the St.Lawrence river and that by the Earth spreads your name! Among those who make your glory, I found only citizens who were at the same time artists and poets who animated themselves without constraint by renewing the honor of your name." I thought thus whereas my spirit travelled on earth. We left, and my guide went up by drawing me by the projections of the steep rock, and carrying on our solitary journey and the pitfalls of the bridge, the feet did not advance without the assistance of the hands. Then I suffered and now I still suffer when my thought refers to what I saw up there, and I refrene my anger more then as usual. We were violently pushed back by spirits which awaited us up there and which said: "There is place here, for only those who are there already and who are known of us, and who lick our ass, and who flatter us and of whom we know the works and which are the only works which are, and which deserve to be. That you would be a painter, a poet, an architect or a journalist, a novelist, an artist, an actress or a morning-man, that you had been born wonder, skilful or beautiful, that has no meaning to us and we are indifferent to know your work. To us only matters, the reputation of your name so that it is at the same time ours, that of the editor, that of the museum, that of the magazine or the review of art or the architectural model, that of the pictorial school, that of the literary chapel. But since you do not have a reputation and that it is important for us to seek to know it, it is that you do not have a name. Here what counts and from this fact, you do not even exist." And Baudelaire answered to them: "My name is Baudelaire; my companion is not known as I am, but, he transports with him the pain of the poet; by grace, open yourselves to his work if not your hearts." And we heard them whisper between themselves: "Whom has he said he was, you heard him say he was Baudelaire, but who then is Baudelaire?" And they started again their cries and their alarms and they pushed back us so that we left this court of flatterers, of hypocrites and of ignorants quite happy to be so. Before reaching the staircases, we crossed again this city: "Alarmed yourself, my City, of being so small that you cut your wings from the mount Royal down to the St.Lawrence river and that by the Hell spreads your name! Among those who violate your glory, I found only flatterers, among most notorious of your citizens, who make me ashame and there you gain nothing which can renew your honor. But if what one dreams in the morning is true, you will suffer soon the punishment of your crimes and those of your citizens: That of the loss of your soul and of your fame." We arrived, in spite of the obstacles, to the sixth pit; advancing towards us, flames which, each one, was hiding a sinner in pain. By seeing me so attentive to what was presented ato my eyes, my guide says to me: "The spirits that you see are in fires, each one of them is wrapped of what sets him ablaze; it is them who made that we had to take another way; they are consumed from their own fires as on earth, they took pleasure in the renewal of their mediocrity, and I would like that you sadden yourself for the City more than for them who did not survive to their work of art."
Marco Polo ou le voyage imaginaire (La tragédie humaine, janvier 2000) © 1999 Jean-Pierre Lapointe
Theme musical: musique alternative (iou), empruntée aux Archives du Web.
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