psalm for a black virgo
Psalm for a black virgin

This page contains an echo to my prayer. A sweet complaint coming from the night and that translates the accent of an abyssinian virgin. It escapes from the mysterious deepness of a buried temple of Axum.

While you rest over my denuded breast The nard of which I am fragrant Spread my odour all over you. Your left hand Rests on my breast And your right hand enchants Me. I am black but beautiful Daughter of Abyssinia And it is how you love me And that I take you into my bed.

This erotic text to be read under the protection of a black Virgo.


vierge noire
While you rest over my denuded breast The nard of which I am fragrant Spread my odour all over you. Your left hand Rests on my breast And your right hand enchants Me. I am black but beautiful Daughter of Abyssinia And it is how you love me And that I take you into my bed.

Marco Polo or the imaginary journey (Missel de Prières érotiques1999) © 1999 Jean-Pierre Lapointe
Important Notice: any photos or fragments of photos subject to copyright will be removed on notice.