This is a prayer to the Virgin Mary, knowned to those born before the death of liturgy. She is beautiful, as beautiful as Mary the virgin, Brilliant star, Regina stella, all naked Queen, Regina coelis. Prayers so that she shines in heaven as in my soul and in my dreams also.
O Regina! Conceived outside the original sin, Pray for me, my Angel my Queen Pray for your son, Queen my peace, Pray for me, Inviolable Queen, Pray for him Queen so pure, I Praise You mysterious Queen, Pray so that I remain faithful to You. O Queen I pray You, O powerful Queen I pray You my Queen my Star, Pray my Virgo my Queen, I Pray my sorrow, Pray with me Pray my pleasant Queen, Pray ceaselessly my admirable Queen, Pray for this son my invaluable Queen, whom I love as a Queen, as a Virgo. |