Missal of Prayers
prière benidicta et venerabilis
Benedicta et Venerabilis

Prayers to virgins, beautiful Asiatic or moreover, of tantric Buddhist or other faith. So beautiful, ô so beautiful to submit God, Allah or Krishna in their cruel domination of the male.

I greet you Mary full of grace, You are blessed among all women The fruit of your breast is blessed. O soft and loving, ô sweet virgin Rejoy yourself Madonna To have vanquish sin in me And believe in my love. Virgo, You gave birth to me Like a god. Although my mother You are always virgin, Mother and inviolate virgin my Mother. Your entrails Are blessed To have carried Your beloved son. Pray for your Son.

This erotic prayer to read under the protection of an Exotic virgo.


vierge tantriquevirgo de Chine
I blessed and I worship you Ô Virgo from foreing land, Whom, while remaining pure Has become my loving Virgin and my breeder, Whom who, since then, contains in Her breast All my thirst for Love.

vierge asiatique
I salute you Mary full of grace, your are blessed among all women, and the fruit of your breast is blessed, Oh tender and loving oh mild virgin, rejoy yourself Madonna To have vanquish sin in me And believe in my love. Virgo, You gave birth to me Like a god. Although my mother You are always virgin, Mother and inviolate virgin my Mother. Your entrails Are blessed To have carried Your beloved son. Pray for your Son.

Marco Polo or the imaginary journey (Missel de prières érotiques) © 1999 Jean-Pierre Lapointe
Important Notice: any photos or fragments of photos subject to copyright will be removed on notice.