It is night already, and full moon. As a powerful
lighthouse, it transforms obstacles into fascinating shadows, shadows that stir at the level of my eyes like disturbing enemies. I crawled on the ground, for many hours, searching for these mysterious marks hidden here and there that will lead me, I hope, to the ultimate point of assembly of the members of the troop.
The last mark indicated an orientation of 0-degree North south and a distance of 1050 feet to the next mark. I counted more than 1000 feet. I must be careful. I hear the shots of summonses from far-away snipers, undoubtedly for other soldiers. It would only need a clumsiness, a lapse, the flight of a frightened bird, the crackle of a dead branch, a shadow that stirs, for the bullets to come crackling around me: those snipers perched in trees, on hills or behind obstacles and which disguise as sinister shadows close by. All my movement must be planned to avoid the least sign of my presence in this place.
It is one of the numerous exercises of my training in the brilliant officers' body of the Canadian army. We are in the military camp of Chilliwack in the valley of the Frazer river, at the foot of the Canadian Rockies. Training is difficult, varied and dangerous. We wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning, for pointless domestic tasks: drill exercises on the "parade square", practical works to blown up railway bridges, aiming with bazookas at immovable tanks, clearing ground of deadly mines, and at this subtle game which consist in crawling from mark to mark to an ultimate point, at night, avoiding the shots from snipers disposed here and there along the ground: laborious exercises supervised by rough sergeants and shouting corporals whose task is to erase any humanity from you, they test your audacity, your pride, your agility and your individuality. We learn to set on fire, to blow up, to torture, to kill, to win, to rape and what else!
These long days of hard labors are often rewarded, at night, by loving flirts on the shores of Cultus Lake, with girls of the area, naive nymphs in hunt for childish adventures to discover the secrets that hide under their blouses; lustful weekends in the burlesque theatres of Seattle to masturbate laboriously, looking at the slow striptease of Lily St-Cyr; long leaves flourished by audacious expeditions on the abrupt hillsides of the Skagit Range, the mountains that surround the region; illustrious drinking parties among comrades in the tents that act as dormitories.
I think of these things, those short moments of evasion and to my pious and possessive mother, who would not have appreciated the perverse evasions of my spirit or to see me like so, my body sliding slowly on the irregular and uneven ground, my body heavily loaded with a cumbersome battledress and a weapon with a long cannon prolonged by a deadly bayonet; I hold it with my two hands, in front of me, at the tip of my arms and it help me move ahead, keep balance when moving as if I was paddling on a clumsy boat.
During this long progress, I recall this "French kiss", searching with my tongue in the deepness of her esophagus, and to this raid under Lynda's loose clothes, to caress, with my feverish hands, her small-rising bosoms, to titillate her vagina not yet deflowered: small adventurous girl, there, behind the counter of the Agassiz's general store, making the apprenticeship of her first sexual raids with one of these salacious apprentice-soldiers, just arrived from East and speaking a foreign language, and whom she must avoid frequenting and that Lynda, nevertheless, captivate and savour as an exotic fruit; this perverse fruit forbidden by her scrupulous mother and her authoritarian father; Her father we hear fiddling with the canned food in the backstore. I guide her skilfully to manipulate my stiff bazooka in fusion which escapes hypocritically by the neckline of the zipper of my trousers. I hear her barking, like a little hind, growling with surprise to feel the cold liquid that already spatters out from the narrow reel and comes soaking her small hand, paralyzed by surprise.
(attention: large animated image)