Canto XXXI of the purgatory
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Asperges me.
The beautiful eyes of Jeanne the Virgin.
«O tu che se' di là dal fiume sacro», volgendo suo parlare a me per punta, che pur per taglio m'era paruto acro, ricominciò, seguendo sanza cunta, «dì, dì se questo è vero: a tanta accusa tua confession conviene esser congiunta». Era la mia virtù tanto confusa, che la voce si mosse, e pria si spense che da li organi suoi fosse dischiusa. Poco sofferse; poi disse: «Che pense? Rispondi a me; ché le memorie triste in te non sono ancor da l'acqua offense».
"Oh you, who stand beyond the sacred river, tell me if that is true, tell it to me so that your consent is added to so serious charges!" I was disturbed and I could say nothing. "What are you thinking about, vile Marco? Answer me, because the memory of your faults was not yet, erased by this water." Confused, I confirmed his statements with a hardly audible voice, I succumbed under my sorrow and I dissolved in tears. Then she says to me: "In the middle of the desires that I did cause in you which pushed you towards the Good, beyond which there is nothing other to hope, which ditches on your road and which temptations has constrained you to give up the hope of going further? What attractions and what advantages had these other ladies, so that you court them more than Me and that you would be unfaithfull to me?" I pushed a bitter wispering and I said with effort: "As soon as your face was vailed to me, the false pleasures of the present things diverted my steps at once." She answered: "God who is Judge knows your fault, while at the same time you would conceal it or that you would deny what you acknowledge! But, at the redness of your cheeks, I know that you sinned. However so that you be shamed of your error, and so that you would be stronger another time, in front of the song of the sirens, dries your tears and listens to this: You will learn how my buried flesh was to lead you in an opposite way. Never art or nature present to you such beauty, then the beautiful body where I was locked up, and who returned to dust; and if this sovereign pleasure was then removed from by my death, what mortal thing did you still wish? You should, on the contrary, since you had made a first experiment of the misleading things, have raised yourself up to me who was not any more such. You should have not pointed your phallus towards the earth, to reach other bodies, frivolous women, a beautiful teenager, exotic foreigners, or some other momentary vanity. One can delude whoever does not have the good for oneself, but Me, my dear Marco, am I not there, as if I were your Mother?" And I was holding my head lower, dumb, ashamed and repenting, and then she says: "Let us go! since you are repenting, raises your eyes towards me so that you feel even more pain by looking at me." When I raised my eyes, I saw Jeanne, her face turned towards the Animal with double nature. Under her veil, I could see that she was more beautiful still as she eclipsed on Earth the beauty of the other females. Then, the repentance rendered odious to me, the pleasures which had diverted me from my love. Such a remorse tore my heart and I disappeared. When I gain again consciousness, the Lovely Lady who had accompanied me, was flying above me, light like a nymph, she sailed above the floods and she retained my body plunged into the water of the river. When I landed on the happy shore, I heard her singing: "Asperges me", with such sweetness that I do not dare to describe the effect on my carnal body, of these simple words and of what followed. The Lovely Lady opened her arms, she attracted me against Her and I immersed myself in Her. Then she made me leave the river and she led me thus, wet and naked, around the seven noble souls who where dancing, who surrounded me of their arms, who embraced me and said to me in chorus: "Here, we are of Apsaras and, before Jeanne did go down on earth, we were predestined to serve her. We will make you discover her eyes and will make you able to penetrate their soft glare." Then they started singing and took me along facing the Griffon where Jeanne standed, turned towards us: "Do not spare your glances, because we ledyou in front of the emerald who was formerly bewitched in Love from one of your arrows." Thousands of desires burned myself, whereas my eyes stared at Jeanne, and that she did not left the Griffon from her eyes. The double Animal reflected its two natures such as in a mirror, my heart was full of stupor and joy; do not be astonished, reader, by my amazement, when I saw her amovable in herself and transformed into her image. I tasted this food which deteriorates and nourishes at the same time. The three nymphs advanced, by regulating their dance on the angelic song. During this time, they said: "Turns, Jeanne, turn your eyes towards whom who is faithful to you who, to see you, has made such a long journey. By grace, make us the grace to reveal your mouth, so that he could deposit there, his lips and thus reveal, the other beauty that you hide." "How to describe to you, how to paint you, Jeanne, my tender Virgin, such as you appeared to me, when in the full light, you drew aside your veil and that I deposited on your lips, this warm kiss?"
Marco Polo ou le voyage imaginaire (La tragédie humaine, janvier 2000) © 1999 Jean-Pierre Lapointe
Theme musical: dans de Charles Semowich, emprunté aux Classical Midi Archives.
Important Notice: any photos or fragments of photos subject to copyright will be removed on notice.