Canto XIV of the purgatory
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«Chi è costui che 'l nostro monte cerchia prima che morte li abbia dato il volo, e apre li occhi a sua voglia e coverchia?». «Non so chi sia, ma so ch'e' non è solo: domandal tu che più li t'avvicini, e dolcemente, sì che parli, acco'lo». Così due spirti, l'uno a l'altro chini, ragionavan di me ivi a man dritta; poi fer li visi, per dirmi, supini; e disse l'uno: «O anima che fitta nel corpo ancora inver' lo ciel ten vai, per carità ne consola e ne ditta
"Who is he, whom who goes along the bank of our torment, before the death did kidnapped him and who opens and closes his eyes as it pleases him?" "I do not know who he is, but I know that he is not alone; you who is the closest to him, question him and, so that he answers, be cordial with him." So, two spirits, who floated on the water, spoke about me on my right side, then, to address to me, they raise up their head from the water: "Oh soul who goes as such, towards heaven still fixed at your body, be charitable and comforts us and tell us from where you come from and who you are, because the grace that you obtained, fills us with wonder as one thing which had never been seen before!" I hurried to answer to them as follows: "Through the country of Maria Chapdelaine, runs a long and sinuous wild river which is watered by the courses that scatters and that take their source in the earth of Caïen, like wounds in an arid soil. From its banks, I bring my body here; it is useless to tell you my name which will never be famous." "If my spirit understands well what you want to say, you designates the river Chamouchouane; and why hide the name of this river as if it was a horrible thing?" Then, the other shadow answered him in my place: "I do not know why, but it is quite right that the name of this valley is humiliated, which is the earth where still lives Caïen, because from its source near Chibougamou, up to where it goes to regenerate what the sky evaporates from the sea, and which gives to the river, what it carries in its course, all flee the virtue that they hold for enemy, like a snake, or because this place is disgraced, or because there, grows bad grasses; also the inhabitants of this miserable valley have transformed so well their nature, that they left, of the memory, only the names that speaks Indian, from which, the name of Chamouchouane, this river which I speak about and who caries the Ouananiche down to Saint-Felicien before going to melt itself in the lake. It runs its course among the wild beasts of Mistassini, it descends lower down in the nurrishing lands of the Opemiska, it is coupled like a hurdy-gurdy whore to the Nestaocana, it forces its course through the forest of Chibouchiche, it joined almost quiet La Doré, it rushes in cascaded at the Chute à l'Ours and the more it grows up, the more, the wolves that howls to the she-wolf, becomes dogs that barks to death. Then, while going down further, it crosses tears and wounds which feed the greediness of man. Thus are our two bodies, awaiting the heaven in deferment, they will fail over there in the large inert lake, like tree trunks that descends the rivers and which are the reflect of the cupidity of man." And I confirmed as follows: "It is well there that I was born, in this valley which has for memory, only the names of the Saints of Heaven carried without pride, by the villages: St-Prime, St-Méthode, St-Augustin, Ste-Monique, St-Thomas-Didyme, St-Jérôme, St-Gédéon, St-Ambroise, St-Edmond-les-Plaines, St-Eugène, St-Edmond, St-Amédée-de-Péribonca, St-Coeur-de-Marie, St-Hedwidge-de-Roberval, St-Stanislas, St-Ludger, Notre-Dame du Rosaire, St-Jean-Vianney, St-Honoré, St-David-de-Falardeau, L'Ascension-de-Notre- Seigneur, Notre-Dame-de-la-Doré, Ste-Rose-du-Nord, Notre-Dame-d'Hébertville, St-François-de-Sales, St-Bruno, St-Félix-d'Otis, St-Charles, St-Cyriac, St-Fulgence, St-Félicien; as well as the streets, buildings and monuments: Sacré-Coeur, l'Assomption, Saint-Joseph, Sainte-Catherine, Saint-Laurent, and dumps also: Sainte Cunégonde, Saint Anselme and elsewhere and everywhere, covering the holy province as an evil which is propagated, of new sanctified coming to rechristenise the rivers, the islands, the public places as well as the souls:Saint-Jean-Drapeau, Saint-Maurice-LeNoblet-Duplessis, Saint-Jean-Lesage,Saint-Pierre-Laporte, Saint-René-Lévesque, Saint-Pierre-Elliot-Trudeau, Saint-Jean-Le-Chrétien, Saint-Jean-dit-Maudit-Col-Bleu-Lapierre, Saint-Jean-Pierre-Audet-dit-Lapointe: litanies invented , not by devotion, but to hide the distresses of the souls or the imagination lost or never borned." We knew very well that these souls saw us walking, also their silence ensured us that we were in the right direction. As soon as being advanced farther, we were alone; in a locality known as l'Ile Maligne, that people named by fear, a voice, appearing to be the thunder when it splits the air, resound at the opposite of us, it says: "Whoever meet me, must kill me!" Then the shadow of the Malin flees, as makes the thunder which moves away when the clouds suddenly tores. As soon as we ceased hearing it, another burst with such a crash, that it appeared another thunder immediately following the first one: "I am Shipshaw, the monster who bars the waters of the Peribonka; I am the damned dam that retains the mislaid souls inside the limits of the great lake. But like the Ouananiche, you bite the bate so that the hooks of Satan draws you to him. Also, the dam and the civility are of no use to save you! Heaven courts you and shows you His charms, but you prefer to look down to earth, this whore; of what punishes you, the One who knows all."
Marco Polo ou le voyage imaginaire (La tragédie humaine, janvier 2000) © 1999 Jean-Pierre Lapointe
Theme musical inconnu, emprunté aux Archives du Web.
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