Canto XXX of Hell
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The food distribution counters of the social-democraty.
Thus spoke Zarathoustra.
Nel tempo che Iunone era crucciata per Semelè contra 'l sangue tebano, come mostrò una e altra fiata, Atamante divenne tanto insano, che veggendo la moglie con due figli andar carcata da ciascuna mano, gridò: «Tendiam le reti, sì ch'io pigli la leonessa e ' leoncini al varco»; e poi distese i dispietati artigli, prendendo l'un ch'avea nome Learco, e rotollo e percosselo ad un sasso; e quella s'annegò con l'altro carco.
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, " I am, I was and I return ", I am the Master-of-all." "Hold secret the words of the seven thunders and do not write them so that, does not wake up to life, those who cry, those who parade, those who vociferate, those who suffer, those who weep those who hope for, those who despair, those who are sick, those who are hungry and thirst, those who carry crutches, those who beg, those who are impotent, those who die, those who unceasingly request, those who are picketing, those who are unemployed, those who are without protection, those who do not await anything any more from freedom, those who die in the urgencies, those men and those women.... " I turned around to look at the voice who spoke to me; and having turned around, I saw the Lamb; he was laying carelessly on his right side; filled with arrogance, he wore a largely open dress which thus revealed his belly furnished with seven nipples; he seemed to me to be a Son of man although his sex was vailed by his long tail in the shape of a belt of chastity. His head, with his white hair, was like the snow of my country, his piercing and inquisitor eyes, his feet were similar than those of "Alexis le Trotteur" his voice, that one hears and one hears again and that one would like to believe still. In his left hand he held like semaphores which shone of all their fires, and from his mouth came out a sword of Damocles; his face was as the sun which glare made the eyes be diverted. At his sight, I felt to his feet like if I was submissived; but he lay down on me, his inquisitor glance and he says: "If you believe in Me and follow me, you do not have anything to fear, I am your Creator and also your Savior. You believed I am dead but I still live, alive for centuries and centuries, I hold the key of your Life and also the key of your Death. Thus hold secret what you saw: the present and what must arrive later, Amen." I looked at my guide, I could not explain what I saw and heard, Baudelaire seemed to me to be perplexed and as diverted as I could be. He could not explain to me the mystery of the sparkling objects which the lamb held in his left hand, nor that of the seven nipples which he always offered to suck although they where flask and dried out by an excessive sucking. We quickly were surrounded from, hustled, trampled, harangued, submerged and banged soundly by disordered and disorientated beings who hopelessly tried to approach the udders of the lamb and by others who defended their access. They were avid and they seemed to suck like if driven by an automatic reflex inscribed in their genome or inherited from an epoca of abundance. They were hustling, toring one another and they regrouped themselves according to their singularity to better appropriate to one's self, one or the other udder at the expense of another group, then they defended their conquest as if it were an inexhaustible source; but, they were impotent to realize that it was emptied of its substance by an abusive misuse. The lamb pretended to be unconscious of his own sterility and, he continued to trap the rabble while making scintillate to their eyes, the illusory rewards whom he held very high in his left hand. Sometimes, public hawkers attacked, verbally and physically, the monster in the shape of a lamb, with the aim of monopolizing the exclusiveness of one or the other udder that malevolent servants of the people pretended to protect. "Life would be a source of joy, but everywhere the rabble comes to drink, all the fountains are poisoned; see the phthisical of the soul: they are hardly borned that they already start to die and that they aspire to the doctrines of tiredness and renouncement." The voice came like an echo and made us be diverted our sight with the same movement, temporarily forgetting the scene of the Beneficiaries, attached to the dried up udders of the Animal. We did see nothing but the penumbra of Hell. Baudelaire says: "Who are you who speaks that way?" "Zarathoustra, I am!" "How then, you, the wise one, came to Hell?" "Do not believe the People who will tell you that the devil carried out Zarathoustra. But believe me who says to you, that it is me who carried away the "Dog of fire". "Then, you who speak that way, who then is this monster who is adorned with the dress of the Lamb and who is full of sufficiency?" "What you see, it is the new idol, it is the Welfare state. Let us go! Open your ears, and let me speak to you about the death of the people. The State, it is the coldest of all the cold monsters. He lies coldly; and here is the lie which escapes from his mouth: "Me, the State, I am the People." Know that this is a fuck'n lie! Those are only destructors, who put ut traps to the great number, and who call that, a State; they sharpen their appetite and they suspend above their head a sword of Damocles. They are rather creators who trained the people and who served well life by suspending above people's head, faith, beauty and love. The State was invented for those who are superfluous! See as he attracts them, these useless, and how he devours them, ruminates them and digests them!" And the lamb who had heard everything said: "There is nothing greather than me on earth; I am the State, the finger of God who orders and who provides." Then, I saw all those who believed in the lamb and who had large ears and a short sight, they felt on their knees. "You, remain people, even in your virtues, people with stupid eyes, people who does not know what is the Spirit." The shade of Zarathoustra continued his speech that way: "The State is the slow suicide of what is called Life. The good and the bad ones, everywhere, are poisoned by the State, the good like the bad ones, always, are lost there forever. But I say it to you, it is where the State finishes, that begins the "Necessary Man". I teach you here the way of the noble souls: they want to have nothing for nothing, and, less than anything else, Life. Whom, on the other hand, who belongs to the rabble, wants to live for nothing; but those to which life was given, always think to what best they could give back in exchange of Life!" Baudelaire appeared concerned and, in his impatience, he interruped the voice as follows: "If I believe in what I know, you have, you also, disciples, don't they form part, them also, of the same people you despises?" And the voice, which one could not see the substance, answered as follows: "Know that I am a parapet on both sides of a bridge: only has to seize it, whom can do it! But I do not dispense, like does this animal, some crutches. Formerly Spirit was God, then he became man, now he made himself rabble." I, who has to go back to earth, I was tormented by the words of Zarathoustra and I then said to him, without much conviction: "If the State acts that way, wouldn't this be rather by compassion towards the people who suffer?" "I say it to you, he pretends to love the people but it is rather himself he loves, he goes towards the people to flee from himself, and you would like to name that a virtue? But me, I know, and I say it to you, that he cannot support himself, and that he does not love himself enough, so that he wants to seduce the people by his compassion and glorify himself that way from the errors of his people. When he says some good about himself, he needs witnesses, and when these witnesses are induced to think he is good, it is him who thinks well of himself. What thus, do they represent, all these monuments which decorates the main square of the National Assembly? They are the representations of figurants whom the people condescend well to call great men. In truth, the people only believe in gods who do much noise in the world. The people praise himself of his great men, but the public place is full of solemn buffoons." And, addressing himself to the lamb, he continued as follows: "Believe me, you, monster full of virtue, who generates all this noise of hell! It is not in our noisiest hours that we generate the greatest events, but in quietness. It is not around the inventors of new crashes that the world revolves, but around the inventors of new values, and it revolves in silence. Look well at yourself, monster, you die and you do not know it, you will die and you believe you are God. You are like the devil who think he is God. But God also has His own hell, and this hell, it is His love of men. "God is dead". It is His pity of men who killed Him, and thus you will die, you, the State, who believes being God. If God existed, how would I support not to be God! Then, there is no God; God, this singular being, absolute, immutable, satisfied and imperishable, is only an image invented by the poets, my brothers." "Thus Flee, my friend, flee in your loneliness." Zarathoustra now seemed to addressed himself to me: "All what is great, happens far from the public place and glory; the inventors of new values are always far from the public place and glory. Flee from the small ones and the pitiful ones. Flee from their invisible revenge. What matters that they flatters you as one flatters a god or a devil, what matters that they whine in front of you, like in front of a god or a devil. Whom do they hate, the goods and the justs? The destructor, the criminal, whom who breaks their tables of values; but it is a creator, the on who breaks their tables of values." And, while he still spoke, I turned to the lamb and I heard the rumour of the herd. He protested as follows: "To seek, it is to mislaid oneself, loneliness is a fault." The voice of Zarathoustra was made heard as follows: "I see that still resound in you, the voice of the herd, but I say it to you, move away from the herd, in spite of your complaints and the pain to separate from it. And you will be able to say finally: "I do not share your consciousness any more". You will rise above them, but the more you will rise, the more the eye of the envious will lower you. However, it is whom who flies the highest who is hated the most. Thus be carefull with the good ones and the right ones who like to crucify those who invent their own virtue, they hate the solitary." We threaded with sorrow through the people, here and there, beings dressed in black harassing the crowd and, it seemed to me that they were the servants of the lamb I wanted to recognize them and I then asked the shadow who spoke and who hide: "Thus, tell me Zarathoustra, who are those, whom are dissociated from the rabble, who harrass the crowd and who seem to me, being at the service of the divine lamb?" "Those are priests, the loud-speakers of the "special interest groups", the guardians of the moral order, although they are my enemies, pass in front of them in silence and do not draw the sword. Many between them suffered so much that they want to make the others suffer. They are your frightening enemies and nothing is more vindicatory than their humility. Whoever attack them is likely to be soiled. Their false values and their illusory words are, for the mortals, the most dangerous monsters. But they could not known to love their God otherwise than by crucifying Man. My brothers, to find the way to your freedom, it is necessary that you are delivered from all these saviors." We crossed already the large bridge, there were disabled person and beggars as well as a hunchback. Although he cannot see Zarathoustra, the hunchback spoke to him as follows: "See Zarathoustra, the people have faith in your doctrine and he also benefits from your lesson; but give him a sign so that he can believe entirely in you, see the choice which is offered to you, it is a unique opportunity, you must initially convince us, us, the disabled person. You can cure blind men, make run lame ones, relieve whom who carries a too heavy burden; it would be, I believe, the true way to inspire to disabled person, the faith in Zarathoustra!" But Zarathoustra answered this way to whom had just spoken: "If I remove to the hunchback his hunch, I take his spirit at the same time; and if I give his eyes back to the blind man, he sees on earth too bad things, so that he curse me to have cured him; and if I make run the lame ones, I make to them the greatest wrong, because hardly can they run that their defects take the key to the fields. Here is what the people teach about the disabled person." And Zarathoustra stop talking. During this long silence of Zarathoustra, we walked among the men. But they where no men any more, but fragments and members of men. I found unjust to see thus so, so many men brokened and dispersed as on a battle field after a war like the Trojan War. The monster was there, he was motionless, but he fainted the compassion. I walked among these terrible rejects and I heard them say: trainers, poets, doctors, preachers, police officers, judges, torturers, priests, heads of state, whipping, prophets, women, celebrities, virtuous, they said they want to reconstitute man. We then heard the voice of Zarathoustra: "How the "virtue" displeases me when it runs from their mouth. When they say: "I am just" one believes to hear them say: "I am avenged" They want to burst the eyes of their enemies with their virtue; and they only rise to lower the others! They say that "The virtue is necessary" but they rather believe that: "The police is necessary". But Zarathoustra did not came to tell these insane and these liars: "What do you believe you know of virtue?" He came so that you tire yourselves of old speaches you learned from these insane and from these liars. So that you tire yourselves of words like "Virtue", "Compassion", "Punishment", "Right revenge", so that you tire yourselves of "desinterest acts". The earth is full of preachers of death and of those to whom it is necessary to preach to be diverted from life; they are superfluities, the earth is full of them and life is spoiled by those who are useless; let them be attracted out of this life by the lure of the eternal life. Others say: "life is only suffering", and they are well right. Thus do so that you cease existing, let then, cease this life of suffering! There it is, what their virtue teach them: "gives up life, and thus, give up all your suffering"!. Others who preach death, advise you not to generate anymore. What good is it to give birth, they say, enfantement deprived you of your freedom! One gives birth to only the unhappy ones who will become, them also, preachers of death. Everywhere resounds the voice of those who preach death, and the world is full with those to whom it is necessary to preach death or, what is the same thing, the eternal life. Let them die then as fast as possible, those who want to get rid of life! They are the descendants of Jesus, these preachers of the slow death. The One who, too early, was taken by the desire to die; they learned from the Hebrew, only tears and the sadness of living. Why didn't He remain in the desert, far from the good and the right ones? Perhaps He would have learned how to live and appreciate the earth and to laugh. In truth, in truth, I say it to you, I do not like them, no, I do not like them the merciful ones, who are happy of their pity, they miss any decency; thus we should suppress those who hate life. How irritating it is to help those who do not like life and how one get mad not to help them to live!" "Freedom, Equality, Fraternity!" It was a long clamour which came from the delirious rabble; the inventors of the guillotine had just installed on the Place of the Large City, the Crucifix of their tyrannical Faith. "Look at them, those preachers who speak about equality, they are tarantulaes, vindicatory hypocrites. You, priests of equality, the tyrannical madness of your impotence claims with great cries, Equality; your most secret desires of tyrants are disguised as words of virtue! they resemble to enthusiastic ones; but it is not the heart which ignites them, it is revenge. Through each one of their complaints resounds revenge and each one of their praises carries a wound; to set up as judges seems to them the roof of happiness. Be wary of those in which the instinct to punish is powerful! They called themselves the goods and the justs, do not forget that to be pharisees, they misses only the power. I do not want to be mixed nor confused with the preachers of equality, becouse such speaks justice to me. "Men are not equal, and they should not become equal." What would then be my love of the "Necessary Man" if I spoke differently?" Then Baudelaire questioned Zarathoustra on subjects which worried me: "Great Zarathoustra, if you know it, what are those presents which scintillates in the left hand of the lamb and what is their meaning?" "What you see there, and what stirs the glance of the rabble, it is the symbol of justice. "A mechanical orange" And what teach you this justice? Of not crucifying others, but to let yourself be crucified by others. Confess your sins! Make your self-criticism, my brother! Flee the hero who sleep in your soul! Reveal to the judges and to the sacrificators, the secrecies of your soul, go in therapy, confess your sins, repent yourself, expiate your faults, reveal your secret thoughts to the animators of all the Talk Shows, you will be forgiven by the lamb and you will be able, again, to share the fraternity with your people. Here is my brother, the punishment of those who believe in my justice!" Then Zarathoustra addressing himself to the Dog of fire says this: "The State is a hypocritical dog as you are yourself; as you, he likes to speak in smoke and howls, to make believe, as you can do it so well, that his words comes from the entrails of the things. Because the State wants absolutely to be the most significant animal on earth, and the people believe it that way. Here is the counsel that I give to the Kings as to the States weakened by time and virtue, let yourselves be detroned, so that you return back to life and that virtue returns to you!" After Zarathoustra had pronounced these words, there was a battle in Hell, Michel and his Angels fought the Lamb, and the Monster counteracted, helped by his Angels-of-Hell, but they did not came victorious, and the dog of fire fought like insane with vexation, and he returned in the well of Abyss.(1)
Marco Polo ou le voyage imaginaire (La tragédie humaine, janvier 2000) © 1999 Jean-Pierre Lapointe
(1) Extraits et interprétation de: "Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra" de Nietztsche.
Theme musical: bagatelle de Bela Bartok, emprunté aux Classical Midi Archives.
Important Notice: any photos or fragments of photos subject to copyright will be removed on notice.