Canto XXII of Hell
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Loteria the luxury Whore.
The badly acquired wealth from the Social dependency.
Io vidi già cavalier muover campo, e cominciare stormo e far lor mostra, e talvolta partir per loro scampo; corridor vidi per la terra vostra, o Aretini, e vidi gir gualdane, fedir torneamenti e correr giostra; quando con trombe, e quando con campane, con tamburi e con cenni di castella, e con cose nostrali e con istrane; né già con sì diversa cennamella cavalier vidi muover né pedoni, né nave a segno di terra o di stella.
Ah! the dreadful company of these ten demons and their chief Mephistos with whom we were walking! All my attention went to the pitch, to see what contained the ditch and the people who were burned there. I saw then, and my heart still quivers about it, one of them who was delayed, just like it happens that a frog immobilizes itself whereas the other plunges, and I obtained from my Master that he talks to him. My guide thus approached him and asked him from where he was; and the other answered: "I was born in the large and prude city which borders the long river and which widens itself to the sea. I lived to accumulate and waste the badly acquired wealth from the Social Dependency, or the Unemployment, or the Moonlighting, by buying some pleasure to satisfy my instincts of gambling from Loteria, the bewitched whore who showed her charms to whom wanted to pay her the price in this palace of glass and light, which occupy the place of honour in the center of the large river and which is transformed since into a pigsty." And, in my head, I could see again the image of this place to have already visited it. Loteria was standing, bewitching in all her nudity, in the center of an immense scene furnished with scintillating objects: luminous bubbles which whirled and in which she reflected in thousand facets her bronzed and appetising fleshes, at the sound of a sensual an bewithing music. She offered thus, her lascivious charms, gesticulating, turning the eyes and murmuring with her lips, inflating her breasts, opening her legs and largely revealing her vagina decorated with blood petals, that she drew aside with her long and sharpened fingers nails, offering it to the sight down to the deepest of her juicy vulva, so that whoever paid the price of it, could have an orgasm and lose conscience from it. Then, she open her mouth, as wide as it was needed, to receive the gold coins which force-feeded her and which push her to perform like that, so that all were hustling under her, to know who would be the happy elected one to fill his avid mouth with golden and silver coins; if one had any chance, he was going to collect, under her largely open vulva, the offerings of her body, in the shape of furtively fertilized silver coins and which was turned over at once in her mouth, with the avid thirst of an unrepentant player. She was conceived that way, Loteria, such as a voracious robot manufactured with modules of photosynthesis substances, garnished with tiny programmed microchips such as she efficiently simulated the sexual gestures of a luxury Whore, collecting as much as it was necessary and redistributing so few from the products of her charms, to satisfy the overflowing appetite of the great Pimp who manages the State Finances, over there, down where the large river widens, in the arrogant city which maintains the great Blackness. When the night largely had overcome the day, tired, satiated, and the belly inflated like that of a pregnant woman, Loteria closed shop for a few hours, the time necessary for a doctor of Jewish ascent, to proceed, using a tool in the shape of tweezers, to the abortion of the beautiful enpregnanced. He withdrew from her belly, the invaluable gold pieces, retained a small percentage of the receipts and gave to the Pimp from the Capital, the principal of the product of this legal Prostitution. I had let myself outdistance by the ten demons who formed our dreadful company. And I saw coming out from the pitches, an immense woman who was standing, disgusting, in all her metalic nudity. Proudly standing at the center of the mud pit, she was surrounded by deformed beings who groaned in pain and anxiety as if they waited, since eternity, something which never occurred. She thus offered her charms, degraded by rust, to the sound of a thundering and atonal music. She gesticulate and turned her eye and released her lips on her large open mouth from where, came out the agitated legs of a man. She inflated and deflated her metallized breasts which seemed to be moulded that way, under the pressure, like if somebody was triing to break the shell, pushing with all the strenght of his arms, and the metal sheets became so thin that one could have said that they were going to burst. She widen her legs and she largely revealed the channel of her uterus from where, the head of a man with a tortured face, whom she was scratching with her fingers with long and sharpened nails, offering him to the sight of everyone, taking him in and out from her vagina driping with engine oil, so that she thus excited the crowd who became animated of a mass hysteria in front of such a germination that I was frightened and that I move back in haste. My Master, who saw me then and who came tenderly to comfort me from the shock of this aberrant vision, hardly comforted me by revealing me the name of the Minister who was laying like so, for eternity in the belly of Loteria. And the great Baudelaire, who seemed to live a moralistic phase, says to me: "Thus you can see, my son, what short illusion it is, to fornicate with Loteria, and finish cocufied by the Malign."
Marco Polo ou le voyage imaginaire (La tragédie humaine, janvier 2000) © 1999 Jean-Pierre Lapointe
Theme musical: collection Nguyen (hovrak), emprunté aux Archives du Web.
Important Notice: any photos or fragments of photos subject to copyright will be removed on notice.