The Bible
The Old Testament

The Canticle of canticles

Biblical text allotted to Solomon slightly adapted for the needs for the site Marco Polo.
Extracts borrowed from the version of the Bible of Jerusalem.
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Erotic texts to be read as the Bible is read also.


The Old Testamentdes cantiques
Oh how are you not my brother, nursed to my breast, as you were to the breast of your mother!
I could kiss you and love you without wakening up the suspicions.
The Old TestamentI will lead you in the bed of my mother, and there, you would inform me of the love!
I would lead you in the bed of my mother, and there, you would teach me of love!
I would make you taste to my scented wine and to my liqueur of grenades.
Your left hand would support my head, and your right hand would bewitch me.
The Old Testament
I implore you, girls of Jerusalem, do not wake up,
oh! do not awake up my love, before I made him tasted to his pleasure.
I am the one who returns from the desert, leaning to the arm of my beloved.
The Old Testament
Under the apple tree I woke you up, at the same place where your mother had conceived you,
at the place where she loved and gave you birth.
The Old TestamentI will lead you in the bed of my mother, and there, you would inform me of the love!
Depose me me like a sister on your heart, like a hind on your arm.
Because love is more stronger than Death, inflexible passion like the Sheol.
The Old Testament
His features are features of fire, like a flame of Yahvé.
The large floods will not be able to extinguish our love, nor the rivers submerge it.
Who would offer the richnesses of his house to buy love,
The Old Testament
without collecting as much the contempt?
Our sister is too small, she does not have her breast formed yet.
What will we do of our sister, the day when it will be question for her to love too?
If she is a rampart, we will make on her breast a crown of silver;
if she is a door, we will draw up against her flower spurs of steel.
The Old TestamentI will lead you in the bed of my mother, and there, you would inform me of the love!
I am like a fortification whose breasts are the turrets.
Also have i found back peace to your eyes.
Solomon had a pretty vine at Baal-Hamôn.
He entrusted it to guards, who could enjoy his fruit
The Old Testament
against thousand silver sicles.
My vine of mine, I strip it in front of your eyes:
to you Solomon the thousand secrecies, and two hundreds to the guards who guard my fruit.
You alone benefits of my garden, and yet my companions are also interested in your fruit:
condescend that I would be the only one to taste it!
The Old Testament
Enjoy, O! enjoy my beloved.
Be similar to the gazelle and to the young fawn, which leap about freely
The Old Testament
on the encent mountains of my thighs!

Marco Polo ou le voyage imaginaire (Interprétation de la Bible, 2000) © 2000 Marco Polo
Important Notice: any photos or fragments of photos subject to copyright will be removed on notice.

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