The Bible
George W. BushSadam Hussein
The Apocalypse of Saint John

Here is the revelation of Christ, which God, by sending his angel, 
gave to his prophet George W. Bush, to testify to the world
everything that he saw and what must happen very soon and that he will 
made knowned to them by this crusade. Blessed are those who ear 
the words of this prophecy aloud, and believed in it!
Because the time is near and that those who are not with Him are against Him. 

Biblical text by the apostle Saint John partially adapted for the purpose of the Marco Polo Web site.
Following the geopolitic developments, we rapidly publish these pages for our readers.
But, the content will be completed, revised and corrected later.
The original text of the Apocalypse of Saint John can be read at the present address:

Marco Polo or the imaginary journey (Is God American........?) © 2003 Marco Polo
Important Notice: any photos or fragments of photos subject to copyright will be removed on notice.
Thoses images will be retired on the specific request of the News agencies concerned.


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